Campaign for medical sutures to Cuba

“Saving lives one stitch at a time” 

A needle and thread are a critical part of every surgical procedure. Everything from a minor cut to a microscopic procedure, from cesarian births to open heart surgery, all require sutures.

But because of the blockade, importing sutures to Cuba can be incredibly difficult and are three times as expensive, causing a nationwide shortage.

For the third time Cubacan helps bring together the Canadian Network on Cuba (CNC) and Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), in a campaign to save lives one stitch at a time.

Cubacan approached a number of people in the medical field in Cuba and received a long list of needs. One item that appeared on every list was sutures.

Every suture we send could potentially save a life. The goal of the campaign is to provide enough sutures to save lives in every corner of Cuba. The minimum target is 15,000 sutures. But that is just the beginning – the sky is the limit.

The campaign is asking people to make financial contributions, to help purchase sutures. Please note, that neither the CNC nor Cubacan are registered charitable organizations, so they cannot issue receipts for tax purposes.

The CNC can accept donations by cheque or by e-transfer. Cheques should be made payable to the Canadian Network on Cuba and mailed to PO Box 99051 – 1245 Dupont St., Toronto, Ontario, M6H 4H7.

E-transfers can be sent to Please make sure to indicate that the donation is for the Cubacan Cares medical sutures campaign and include your name and email address.

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