Police shut down Communist Party of Israel office, in effort to disrupt anti-war activities

The Israeli police and Netanyahu’s Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir attacked the Communist Party of Israel (CPI), closing its headquarters in the city of Haifa to stop the party from organizing anti-war and anti-genocide activities.

The police summoned Reem Hazan, secretary of the party’s Haifa region, for a second time on August 26 and interrogated her about the CPI’s actions. After grilling Hazan, they announced the decision to close the party’s headquarters in order to prevent the showing of artist Muhammad Bakri’s new film Jenin, Jenin and to prevent meetings aimed at organizing actions against the aggressive war on Gaza.

In a statement, the Communist Party and the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Hadash) condemned the measure, saying “It indicates the depth of the fascist practice affecting political and party work in the country that opposes the war and the policy of this government.”

The two organizations also stressed their defiance of Netanyahu and Ben Gvir, declaring that “anti-war activity will continue until this criminal war on Gaza stops.”

Immediately after the decision to close the headquarters, an emergency session was held by the branch leadership in the city, attended by leaders from the CPI and Hadash nationally, and a number of protest steps were taken against the decision, including organizing a demonstration on August 26 [photo].

The Arab-Jewish Partnership for Peace coalition stated: “We will not remain silent about this attempt at silencing and will not surrender to the police and government’s attempts to suppress opposition to the occupation and the war. Fascism will not pass!”

Solidarity was also heard from inside the occupied territories. In a letter addressed to the Communist Party of Israel, the Palestinian People’s Party stated: “All the criminal repressive practices targeting the status, activities, and headquarters of your party and Hadash, which fall within the fascist policies of the occupation government and apparatuses against our people and against the forces opposing war and occupation.”

The letter added: “The People’s Party condemns these persecutions and all the practices of the occupation, and expresses its solidarity with Comrade Hazan, your party, and your victorious coalition. It affirms its confidence in your steadfastness and positions, and together and united in the struggle against the occupation and fascism.”

[Article and photo: Al-Ittihad]

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