Petition campaign to lift blockade on Cuba – sign before October 16!

PV staff

Bloc Québécois MP Gabriel Ste-Marie is sponsoring a Parliamentary e-petition calling on the Canadian government to take action to end the US blockade of Cuba.

Petition e-5014 (available here) notes that the international community has repeatedly shown its support for the Cuban people and its opposition to the blockade, particularly through votes at the United Nations General Assembly.

The petition calls on Ottawa pressure the US government to lift the blockade and to remove Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

The Canadian government is also called upon to denounce the blockade as one of the key barriers to the Cuban people’s full enjoyment of their human rights, and to ensure that corporations and other entities in Canada do not participate in the economic sanctions against Cuba.

The petition ends with a call to ensure that relations with Cuba continue to be based on equality and respect for sovereignty, independence and the right to self-determination.

The petition is open for signatures until October 16. The Canadian Network on Cuba is calling on all people in Canada, especially those one million annual visitors who have seen Cuba for themselves, to sign the petition demanding the end of the economic war and campaign of subversion against the people of Cuba. By gathering as many signatures as possible a powerful and clear message can be sent to Ottawa.

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