Please support the People’s Voice Fund Drive!

Help us raise $56,000 for the working-class press!  

We launched this year’s People’s Voice Fund Drive amidst massive mobilizations across the country, to stop Israel’s genocidal siege of Gaza and end the occupation of Palestine. These sustained efforts by tens of thousands of people – in the face of efforts by right-wing politicians and media to demonize and even criminalize Palestine solidarity – are truly heroic.

People’s Voice has supported the anti-war and solidarity movement every step of the way. We’ve covered the protests, interviewed organizers, investigated and exposed the Canadian government’s complicity and support for Israel’s genocide, and encouraged people to join and build actions.

Please click here to support our 2024 Fund Drive!

Working people in Canada are engaged in a range of intense struggles in 2024. After years of neoliberal austerity which produced huge corporate profits, people are fighting back hard against soaring prices, low wages, privatization of healthcare and education, militarism and war, environmental destruction and more.

As inflation and the rising cost of living take a bigger bite out of people’s incomes, more workers are using strike action in their fight for real wage increases. In several cases, they are challenging the union leaderships to do better – to fight harder and win more.

People’s Voice is there too, supporting workers in struggle. We’ve helped to promote community support for workers and unions who are fighting to defend and expand healthcare, education and public services, to keep good jobs in their communities for now and for the future, to win a livable income from work and into retirement. We are committed to building labour unity and solidarity, on the basis of class struggle.

Click here to help raise $56,000 for the working-class press!

The most dramatic labour struggle in recent years was the historic Common Front mobilization in Quebec, which brought together over 500,000 workers from six different unions in a common struggle for better wages and expanded services, and to oppose the right-wing corporate agenda of the Quebec government.

The Common Front received precious little exposure outside of Quebec, but People’s Voice covered it in depth. We provided analysis from workers and union activists in Quebec, and we drew lessons for the labour movement across Canada. No other media source matched People’s Voice.

We also work hard to bring you reports on climate justice, Cuba solidarity, the fight for women’s and gender equality, and solidarity with the trans community against vicious hate campaigns. We strive to provide strong analysis of the peace and anti-war movement, the people of Sudan and their fight for peace and democracy, the youth and student movement in Canada, and the complex struggle of the people of Venezuela in the face of imperialist pressure.

In addition to news and analysis, every issue of PV includes information on building the labour and progressive movements. We know that change comes through mass action, and we support it in every way we can. People’s Voice stands out in its commitment to building the class struggle – uniting and strengthening the working-class movement, helping it to fight for and win radical reforms that curb corporate power and put people and the environment before profit, and shining a light on the path to socialism.

But to do this, we need your help. For over three decades, People’s Voice has relied on its readers to fund our efforts. We get no government or corporate funding.

This year, we need to raise $56,000 to ensure we can continue researching, writing and publishing for another year. This year’s drive is a bit more ambitious than last year’s, which raised $55,000, and that reflects the increasing costs of printing and delivery. But we’re confident that we can achieve $56,000, through the support of our readers and supporters, who are already busy organizing fundraising events and activities to help bring in their regional targets.

You can help by sending a contribution today. We accept cheques and money orders (payable to People’s Voice and mailed to 290A Danforth Ave., Toronto, ON, M4K 1N6) as well as e-transfers to We can also accept donations through PayPal (including using credit cards).

We are proud to work with all our readers to further our shared aims for a stronger people’s fightback, for radical progressive reforms and for a socialist future based on social justice, an end to exploitation, gender equality, liberation for oppressed peoples, environmental sustainability and peace.

Thank you for your support!

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